Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New kits, and ECLIPSE!!!!

Although you may think that my scrapping layouts and Eclipse and my love for all things Twilight would never collide, you'd be wrong! First I'll show you the two new kits out this week, starting off for Vicki's new kit, Summer Party, and then Sara's new kit, and then you'll see how I can segway that nicely into my review of Eclipse... Here is the preview of the kit:
And my layout; template by aedesigns:
The journalling if you are unable to read it just basically talks about how everyone always says that Rayna looks so much like her Dad, and I came across this photo of myself the other day and there is a striking similarity in the photo between Rayna and myself at the same age. (Like my Bert doll from 1978?? LOL).
And here is Sara's great new western themed kit, called Howdy Cowboy:

and my layout; template by Sara Gleason, and photo by alicexz at deviant art.
Which as you can see will now lead me nicely into the fact that I went to Eclipse last week, and totally loved it! It was the best movie in the saga so far, and I can only hope they do as good a job with the Breaking Dawn movies. There were of course the few things they changed, as they seem to always do, they shuffle the conversation a little, such as Carlisle says something in the movie that Jasper actually said in the book, the characters and scene are switched up so that a conversation takes place somewhere different, but it was overall really close to the book. I even enjoyed the acting more, as in Twilight I didn't think it was fantastic, and Edward had stink face most of the time, trying to act tortured and all, but Eclipse was sooo much better. I actually want to go watch it again, and I probably will. Of the three girls I went with to the show, two of them had already seen it! So do yourself a favor, and if you haven't read the book, read it (or all of them!) and then go see this movie. Totally worth it. Here is a little sneaky peaky for you:

Anyways, I've been totally re-Cullenized, and I have since re-read Eclipse (right before I went to the show) and then Twilight (my favorite of all and that's where all the real love happens) and have re-watched Twilight (twice) and New Moon. Eclipse won't come to video fast enough for me! Have a great week everyone!!


Unknown said...

My daughter and I went this last weekend to see Eclipse. She also reread the books leading up to seeing the newest movie! She's too funny. After the movie she pointed out all the things that were different from the book and was highly irritated. lol

Marie-France Gervais said...

Gorgeous layouts as always Rose!!
I really enjoyed Eclipse too. Loved that they kept the tent scene pretty close to the book, and really enjoyed the Bella/Jacob kisses (I'a a team Jacob kind of gal...).
I was thinking about re-watching the movies myself (as far as reading, I am re-re-re-re-...-reading Harry Potter right now, still my favourite book).
I'll have to go check your book blog for new ideas of reading material...

Beware the few racy photos...thought it was worth it to see all the other ones!