The last week has flown by, and the weekend as well. We are so far behind at work we think we're ahead!! I still managed to get some scrapping time in, a little bit every day, so I still have some new stuff to show you! Mel's new kit this week is so cute, called Fairies and Mushrooms.
My layout (*template by KLittleton):Also Ptitesouris has two new kits in the store, this one is called The Small World of Bees:
My layout (*template by scrapvoyages, photo textures by Pineapple Plantation and Shadowhouse Creations)
My layout (*template by Kate, photo effects by Coffeeshop actions and Shadowhouse Creations): I absolutely love this layout, I love how it turned out. It's one of my favorites! Anyways, sorry I don't have much to say lately, there has been stuff happening, but mostly I've been working like crazy and the evenings are spent with the kids and scrapping. One day I'll do a mega update post! Have a great week!
Ok, I have been working...alot! But seriously, I must have had my head in a hole to miss this:
I mean seriously, the Eclipse trailer is out, and I hadn't seen it til tonight? (To see the full screen version click here to see it on youtube.) Where have I been? Now I have proof that I've been working too hard lol. Anyhoo, I'm super excited to see the next instalment, but I can tell you already that the new Victoria will not measure up, and I don't know what was going on but I hate character changes like this, especially since Eclipse has more Victoria than the first two books combined!! I also hate knowing that Bella is wearing a wig, but I think it's pretty obvious as she had such beautiful hair, and you can totally tell that this is not her hair!! Oh well, I suppose Joan Jett must have been more important then Bella's hair. {blasphemy!!} I also really hope they didn't cut the tent scene, where Bella is in the sleeping bag with Jacob and Edward and Jacob have their little chat while Bella sleeps, that is my favorite scene in the whole book, and I have a feeling it won't be brought to life on the big screen. Ok, that said, on to business!
Scrap That Idea has some new kits out this week! A Work in Progress has this sweet kit called Sweet Tweet:
My layout: Stacey's Scraps has is R is for Red and Kitty Revamped out: My layout: Hopefully you've been following along over on Mel's blog, as she has been releasing a part of a freebie kit called Grow every week, here is the layout that I did with it (*template by Peppermint Creative):
And Stacey has a great freebie kit as well over on her blog, called I'm not Irish but Kiss me Anyway! Go grab it while you can, here is the layout I did with that freebie (*template by Janet Phillips):
There are some great new kits out this week! Check out this bright Easter kit by Mel Hains Designs called Hop Along: My layout **template by Julie Billingsley: And this lovely pastel kit by Sweet Blossom Designs called Easter Delight:
My layout **template by BTA designs: Stacey also has this cool kit called Q is for Quality Time: Stacey has some QP's available with this kit as well, so if you're interested make sure you check them out in the store! My layout **template by Vanessa Armstrong: Dream Big Designs also has a new kit out called Charity:
Here are my layouts **template by Crystal Livesay:
And no template for this one (yay me!!)
Sorry for the quick update, thanks for looking, happy scrapping!
WOW, life is so busy! I have been a horrible CT member and haven't blogged any of the most recent new releases from the teams I am on! So little time for all this computer stuff that I love! SO I'll make it short and sweet and just jump right in on all the kits that I have to show you, first up is a kit that I requested of Stacey as I have the first photos of Rayna on the training potty, and seeing as how her next alphabet kit was for the letter "P" I thought P is for Potty Training would be a great kit, and I was right! (That was me tooting my own horn there if you missed it lol).
I feel so bad, I only managed to get one layout done, and I'm the one that requested the kit! Here's my layout, (**Template by Scrapmuss):
And Vicki has this great Boyfriend kit in the store, the colors are great for all your guy layouts! My layout, (**template by KLewis):Ptitesouris has been busy as well, and her kit La Maison des Lutins is out now, and is so gorgeous!My layout (and look at me go with the extraction and no template!! WOOO!) :Also she has this new wedding kit out called The Beautiful Day of My Life: And before I show you my layout, I'm going to show you this wonderful Elegant Romance word art by Kathy Winters Designs, it can be used in so many ways, and I used it as a clipping mask for paper in this one, which I scrapped with the wedding kit:My layout (**template by Crystal Livesay) :
And last but not least is this awesome collab kit by Dream Big Designs and RebeccaB, called Let's Hear it for the Boys! It has so many elements, the options are truly endless, and it's great for all those guys layouts, or renos, so many uses, and I love all the tool elements!
My layouts (here I go again with no template!) :
(** template by NiniGoesDigi) I love those hexagon shapes! I thought it went so well with this kit!So that's it for the moment, in a couple days there will be a bunch more! Thanks for looking and have a great day!